Before You think about making his Golazo EVO
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Short about me: 11-13 wins every Weekend League, 2nd div DR. Playstyle oriented for quick counter-attacks, few passes and relying on strikers effectivness, no tricks used, no crazy pro players moves. 4-4-2 with CDM + CM, Werner fantasy as ST + Henry 91 until now.

Golazo super-duper icon Lineker + crazy evo upgrading major stats sounds great, huh? 5star Weak foot. nice agility, good finishing, stamina, body type, decent playstyles - all seems to be working then why not give him a try? <- This is me buying him for 45k, and starting evo 2 days ago. Resigning from Vidic which i had in club :)

His initial 92 Golazo Icon is still a disaster. I mean what i write here. Clunky, heavy, accelerating worse than Hagi 91, not able to finish 50% of chances, weak foot as a total drama. But come on, he will be better after evo right? RIGHT? He is about to be Werner Fantasy partner so difficult teammate to contest. But hey it's still golazo+evo icon!

Doing his middle-evo versions were pain in the 3 letters. I slapped Engine on him to improve movement and passing a bit as his shooting should be good enough to go. Unfortunately it did not help much. He still felt like truck, and while using R1 to dribble he is more like swimming next to defenders rather than turning or passing through them.

Finally i got his 93 finished card and played with him aroun 20 games in Division Rivals. And.. not much changed. He started to accelerate finally, but still slower than Hagi 91 with 90 pace. Non comparable to Werner at all, like different class of players. I felt like playing with some random 85-rated in-form card rather ten top tier golazo evolved icon. He is able to miss every chance, as well as to score every. There is no repetetiveness in playing this card. No feeling that for sure I am gonna score if do this or that. He is forcing to shoot with his better right foot stronger than every player i played with, even if it's nonsense then he tries Trivela what usually ends up in GK gloves as higher ranked players predict signalized shots with GK movement. But You know it's not worst thing at all.. Once You get used to player which is not deadly finisher, not sprinter, not a game changer at all - you expect just solid simple things. Passing and simple shooting. THIS IS ALSO DISASTER. His passing is lower than average, no magic touches, nothing special that would make him special in playing with 2 strikers. You have to play simple balls and pray it's gonna come to desired player. His passes are slow and predictible, often not accurate.But this is also not worst.

I do not use power-shots. I do not know why, i rather use finesse, rotated shots in some situations as i find them more useful. But right now we talk aboout simple shots. The ones when You tap circle on Pad and exepct simple quick shoot. This guy requires 3 years before every shoot he is taking. IT IS DRAMATIC. I compared it, and it takes similar time to perform power-shot as well as simple normal shoot. This is ridicolous and impossible to understand. At this stage of game every defender is able to block or intercept with extra 1 second of delay. If we think about sliding tackle then it's even more easy to stop this Lineker. Such a shame! I scored 33 goals with him where 30 where to empty box i guess. Finesse shooting is bad, slow and badly rotated. Weak foot tends to miss 50% of chances, while Werner seems to be 10-star Weak foot rated next to him. 4-star WF Henry is totally better than him. Actually Hagi is better finisher than him. This is a comedy.

Regarding physicality it's also terrible. He is not capable to compete with defenders like base Virgil Van Dijk, basic Maldini, basic Lucio. Those are simple cards right now that everyone can afford and use, we do not mention better players like evo Campbell, Dessailly or Toty CBs. Our Lineker is losing every tackle, and is not able to take over any defender with pace higher than 81/82. He is 177cm tall so I expected him to be agile, quick turning and rapid. He is none of described, also not strong, also not sliding-through defeders type of player like Butragueno or Zola sometimes are. I am terrified how mediocre this card actually is... Only one good side of this card is Stamina as i never met any condition issues on him. He is losing almost every header opportunity beside taller and stronger defenders so there is nothing to describe in that matter.

As summary I would say that EA again packs rusty piece of scrap in beautiful graphics, adds crazy numbers under statistics which are not achievable in real gameplay and offers crazy super-turbo evolutions which do not rescue this cards at all. I am ashamed that legend like Lineker has to be proposed in this shape for EA FC24 players, because it feels indeed in game like he is 63 years old. It would be better to put him in game as collectible card for Hall Of Fame album or similar thing. Huge disgrace again.

This is not deadly striker which finishes 95% of chances.

This is not magical gamechanger capable to fix your game in 90+ minute.

This is not player that will positively surprise You and make You switch Your good actual working setup.

This is not player that will be your first choice to use as susbtitute.

This is a player which would be competetive in December, and visibly worse than all TOTY icons incoming soon.

Making this Golazo Evo was waste of resource, waste of time, waste of 40k to buy him.

  • Stamina
  • Overall
  • Great Graphics in squad preview
  • Low price of initial card
  • Once a 10 matches he scores Trivela from impossible angle
  • Pace & Acceleration
  • Physicality
  • Dribbling and Agility
  • Finnese shooting
  • Simple shooting
  • Passing
  • No exclusive movements / easter eggs / flagship animations / no gamechanging abilities to rely on
Pace (6/10)
Shooting (6/10)
Passing (6/10)
Dribbling (6/10)
Defending (2/10)
Physicality (5/10)